Who We Are

We want to make a community that supports each other by sharing knowledge. We provide a way to share knowledge by questions and answers. This platform allows you to share knowledge publicly or within your team. If you are interested in helping people, share your information publicly, or if you want to discuss your project related information privately, you can create team for that and share your information within that team.

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What is reputation?

Reputation is a measurement parameter that determines how much this community trust you. By gaining more reputation, this community will trust more your questions and answers. You can also earn and lose reputation in your teams.

How do I earn reputation?

You can earn reputation by posting good, helpful and useful questions and answers.

Your question is voted up : +5 Reputation

Your answer is voted up : +5 Reputation

Your answer is marked as best answer : +10 Reputation

How do I lose reputation?

You can lose reputation by posting useless questions and answers.

Your question is voted down : -2 Reputation

Your answer is voted down : -2 Reputation

You voted down a question : -1 Reputation

Your voted down an answer : -1 Reputation


You can also get badges on the basis of that how much your questions and answers is useful to others. This will motivate you to contribute more helpful information to this community. You can also get badges in your teams.

Question Badges

 Acceptable Question

Question score of 10 or more

 Delightful Question

Question score of 25 or more

 Great Question

Question score of 50 or more

 Popular Question

Question with 200 or more views

 Desired Question

Question with 500 or more views

 Famous Question

Question with 1500 or more views

 Favorite Question

Question bookmarked by 10 or more users

 Beloved Question

Question bookmarked by 25 or more users

 Stellar Question

Question bookmarked by 50 or more users

 Answerable Question

Question with 10 or more answers

 Responsible Question

Question with 25 or more answers


Ask a question and accept an answer

Answer Badges

 Acceptable Answer

Answer score of 10 or more

 Delightful Answer

Answer score of 25 or more

 Great Answer

Answer score of 50 or more

 Accepted Answer

Accepted answer